Monday, November 29, 2010

Music Beyond Lables...

My thanks to Lightworker Joanne for being the inspration to start this player selection! I will continue to add songs that speak the message of peace and acceptance...

Love and blessings to ALL... Truly, Thomas

Thank you again Joanne!! Your Anchor is a blessing to many SOULS...

Related Blogs: Ancient Teaching: Understanding Twin Souls / Twin Flames Poetry of Alchemy: A Merging to the Soul The blog I started to begin my search for understanding intimate relationships A blog profiling and honoring Human Inspration A blog I started in honor of my mother Breaking things down so we can talk...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Where is the "Love?" CREATOR: PLEASE HELP US!!!

Completed 5th December 2010

Having contemplated the question "Where is the Love?" I find generalities and specifics exist. Now as I am writing, it is clear to me that the questions that are floating around in my mind are questions that have been attaching themselves to human minds for a very long time... In that respect, these questions are not unique, but these questions affect our lives...

Now one thing I've learned in my life is that there are a lot of people who have information to share. Much of this information is found in books, and many of the people have long since passed on to destiny, dust or ruin depending on how the ontological universe really unfolds in life after death. In the world we "live" in we see people striving for survival and existence. We see people ruining the land, depleting our resources and destroying lives. So where is the love? Good question! My answer; however, is as we all know, but a small voice among many, a sliver of thought added to an ocean of words written on paper and stone...

My belief is that this Love is within each of us, but that's the simple part. The hard part comes when we look at the problems we've had as humans. Where do these problems come from? They come from us of course, they come from "ME and they come from YOU." So, if we know that WE are paradoxically both the Love and the problem that PREVENTS LOVE, then how come we don't just "FIX IT?" I think its because the Love is stuck inside of us. It is my strong belief that Love does have the power to heal the broken world, but as humans we've shown that we just keep going around in the same circles and falling into the same holes. We see glimmers of hope in our personal lives and in our respective lands, but we look at the headlines and----- need I say more...

It is my belief that in order to see change, there does indeed have to be a "Shift in Consciousness." in my limited esoteric travels, the contemporary "magnifying glass" would probably classify me as a new-ager. But what does that mean? In asking the question, each individual will come up with an answer based on a set of social variants such as nationality, race, religion and so forth. It is my belief that it is precisely this type of dynamic that is the reason the headlines stay the same day after day, year after year. My thought is that the reason that Love does not change the headlines is because the cultural magnifying glass(es) are so ingrained into "nation psyche" that we cannot get past ourselves! Again, we see glimmers of hope, but the cycle continues; its like the magnifying glasses have become permanent fixtures glued in front of the eyes of our psyche!!

There was a recent movie called "Legion." In this movie there was a conversation between two of God's angles and there is a sentence in that conversation that rings (TO ME) as one of the most profound statements that I've ever heard. "You gave him what he wanted, I gave him what he needed" (Legion). For those reading this who've not seen the movie, the implications are absolutely profound!!! As a matter of fact, I would add the word "Pivotal" as well. I use this example because it fits PERFECTLY into the conversation of Love, and why its stuck. Take my life for example, as one who grew up in the U.S.A., I've received a download of the Judeo Christian belief system. As a child, I was even put into the nursery where there were bunk-style cribs--- a model of linear efficiency to feed a large congregation. Just one example of millions of people around the world becoming part of a "social system," part of the system where parents seek a connection with their maker and one that helps them guide their children "into" the fold...

I submit then that the cultural magnifying glasses that are stuck to the psyche of a global humanity are simply embedded with layers of beliefs that guide our decisions. Decisions to Love or to Destroy---- to Love or to Hate--- ALL based on respective cultural beliefs. If there is a theist creator, I can envision that the deity must be either laughing or crying. Pardon the expression "God only Knows!"

Given this, it would seem a reasonable thought to be skeptical that the word hope exists, and that the cyclical vortex, the downward spiral of humanity is "destined" to continue. Armageddon will come, each religion will hold fast to their respective belief and the unfolding will---- unfold... Personally, I don't accept this picture of doom and gloom, and choose to make my spiritual stand in my own way. A stand which resides on the belief that there is only one word that matters, and that word is LOVE!! So it is with this dialog I submit that if we, as humans are going to transcend the various veils of destruction, "that we will indeed have to make a cultural stand."

I am just one man, one soul, one life, but I choose to make a difference. I choose to believe that true ecumenical religious acceptance can, and will, only come with a continued shift of the established paradigm. As a token of hope toward this shift, I willingly give my soul... In other words, from a spiritual perspective, I would willingly choose to make a "cultural stand" to give the creator "What is NEEDED" in the hopes that we can gain what we already (ironically) have-----LOVE!!!

Please allow me to explain: I mentioned that as a boy I grew up in the Judeo Christian ways. I went into my teens unclear of my beliefs and then in my 20s was "Saved" into what is known as the Christian Evangelical Movement. Now I am not going to open up the whole ontological and epistemological debate on the topic in this particular writing, but I do want to illustrate some implications from an evangelical perspective. You see, I chose to leave that "dialect" of the church about a decade ago to pursue a more eclectic spirituality. Within the variances of "That" belief system, for one to move away from the "fold" is to risk damnation and the fires of hell for ALL eternity!!! That may sound a little harsh, but depending on the "dialect" of Christian belief can be made to be scripturally sound; therein of course exists just one of the age-long difficulties of the Christian doctrine(s), i.e., interpretation. Accordingly, there have likely been prayers voiced for me to come back into the fold, loved ones who are my family or friends who do not understand my decision to set out beyond the fold to expand my spirituality----thereby risking my place in heaven. PLEASE... no worries, just LOVE... Let's move beyond the pink elephant in the room, and that inner voice of uncertainty toward people that we know do not believe the same as us. Let's cultivate a spirituality beyond labels...

Simply, I choose to believe that it doesn't matter what peaceful spirituality we've chosen, the question remains the same... "Where is the LOVE and why is it STUCK?" I submit that it is because of labels, it is because of indifference, dogmatism, prejudice, racism and ethnocentrism. And despite millions of glimmers of hope, it is because in large part, we are not willing to take off our magnifying glasses and truly BE what we ALREADY have---- LOVE... So my drum beat is simple, I don't want to try and change anyone's faith. What I am asking; however, is that consideration be given to what we are facing as a species. Specifically, the "opportunities" we are facing to make a difference in the world within which we live!! In the name of LOVE, I am, perfectly happy giving my SOUL to the "cause" if it will draw attention to the plight of humanity; If it will push against a paradigm that has repeatedly shown its HELL-BENT nature to destroy Earth and Each Other!!! I simply ask those who are willing, to help with accepting one another. Together, I believe we can move beyond FEAR and step up the pace a little in our attempts to heal a world in pain... We have so much to do!!

To the HEART of PEACE...
Love, Thomas

Related Blogs: Ancient Teaching: Understanding Twin Souls / Twin Flames The blog I started to begin my search for understanding intimate relationships A blog profiling and honoring Human Inspration Poetry of Alchemy: A Merging to the SOUL... A blog I started in honor of my mother Breaking things down so we can talk...